Deployment & Integration


Progressive Perspective | Dynamic Expertise | Validated Designs

When companies attempt to complete an extensive IT project in-house without proper expertise, they often divert internal resources from other tasks, fail to foresee impending problems and overrun budgets. Deploying new systems and integrating new technologies within existing infrastructure requires front-line experience and dynamic expertise for a successful operation.


Our team at Mittenpunkt employs the hands-on experience you need to understand the potential risks and address the day-to-day issues that your company may face during the project. We have the expertise to holistically manage the deployment and integration from day one to completion, communicating with all necessary business units within your company.

  • Planning
  • Design
  • Installation
  • Optimization
  • Migration

We are committed to your company’s successful deployment. Based on your needs, we design, install, optimize and migrate a customized infrastructure. We integrate our expertise into every project to ensure your needs become a competitive advantage. You will have full access to our designs, the latest technologies and a fresh, progressive perspective.

  • Industry Expertise
  • Validated Designs
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Progressive Perspective